Having shut it's doors in 1990 due to overcrowding, the Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield opened them to the public again over the wee...
Having shut it's doors in 1990 due to overcrowding, the Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield opened them to the public again over the weekend to celebrate the 20th anniversary of The Shawshank Redemption, which was famously within in the halls of the disused prison. Those taking part in the celebrations were treated to a 1940's themed cocktail party, and guided tours of the cavernous prison, which gave them the chance to see several locations fro the beloved movie. Topping off the weekend-long event was two screenings of the movie, with some of the cast, including Bob Gunton, who was unforgettable as Warden Norton, in attendance. No word on whether party goers had to leave the prison the same Andy Dufresne did though.