This September sees the release of the latest in the world famous Resident Evil movie franchise. Resident Evil: Armageddon marks the si...
This September sees the release of the latest in the world famous Resident Evil movie franchise. Resident Evil: Armageddon marks the sixth in the series, which has ridden off the coattails of the video game, originally released for PlayStation in 2006. Milla Jovovich returns once again as ass-kicker Alice, and will continue to cement herself as one of Hollywood's best loved video-game turned movie star heroines. She's not alone however – here are just a few of our favorite video game characters who have made it from the little screen to the big screen.
Lara Croft
Keeping with the female and indeed the awesome 90s video game theme, Lara Croft made a seamless transition from our PlayStations to movie theaters in the form of Angelina Jolie in 2001. Lara Croft: Tomb Raider might not have received the best reviews, but producers could scarcely find an actress more fitting to play the part – with her no-nonsense attitude and enviable physique, Angelina's Lara encapsulated the video game heroine's best qualities perfectly. Croft is one of the few movie characters who's still appearing in games today, from new XBox releases to online slot machines, and players are having to employ a whole host of new strategies to keep up with her.
Harry Potter
We've all watched Daniel Radcliffe develop over the years, and with him, so has the video games world. The Harry Potter video games franchise started out as an endearing young boy running through the PlayStation 2 universe. Today, you'd more likely find him in Lego form, with a hugely successful series coming out in 2010 for PlayStation 3, Wii, Xbox and the PC to name but a few. He might not be Harry in his human form, but if the success of the recent Lego Movie is anything to go by, he's pretty good.
Tobey Marshall
The Need for Speed series started out with humble beginnings in 1994 on Sega Saturn, but it's come a long away since then, with super improved graphics on the newest console, the XBox One. Though Tobey Marshall did not appear himself in the games, movie producers in Hollywood clearly saw the success of the Fast and Furious series and decided to adapt the game into its own blockbuster, starring Breaking Bad's Aaron Paul as the lead protagonist. After his meteoric rise from obscurity to world wide fame, Aaron Paul has proved himself as an actor whose talents extend beyond the world of drugs deals.