Robert Downey Jr. was at the Toronto International Film Festival over the last few days promoting his new movie Judge. Speaking to Variety...
Robert Downey Jr. was at the Toronto International Film Festival over the last few days promoting his new movie Judge. Speaking to Variety, he said there was no fourth Iron Man movie. “There isn’t one in the pipe,” Downey said. “No, there’s no plan for a fourth ‘Iron Man.'”
While he has signed on for Avengers Age Of Ultron and a third Avengers movie (which should see the light of day in 2018 according to Variety) he still is reluctant to let go of the character. When asked about if he would let somebody else play Tony Stark, he laughed off the idea saying “I like that the idea is that it would be up to me, like I’m casting director for Marvel”
I find it hard to believe that a fourth Iron Man movie will not hit big screens sometime in the future. I also find it difficult to believe that Marvel would want anybody else to play Tony Stark. Downey embodies the character like nobody else can. Ultimately, it was Downey and Jon Favreau he catapulted Marvel into the movie stratosphere in 2008 with Iron Man.
I’d hazard a guess that this is RDJ just talking the talk to leverage Marvel for some extra cash when a fourth Iron Man movie is on the cards. However, there probably is a limit to which Downey can push Kevin Feige and co. But putting that point to one side, RDJ is the most important actor Marvel Studios have on their books! Where a fourth Iron Man movie would be placed in the busy Marvel schedule between now and 2019 remains to be seen. Their upcoming schedule looks like this
May 1, 2015 — “Avengers: Age of Ultron”
July 17, 2015 — “Ant-Man”
May 6, 2016 — “Captain America 3″
July 8, 2016 — Doctor Strange possibly.
May 5, 2017 — Unconfirmed
July 27, 2017 — “Guardians of the Galaxy 2″
November 3, 2017 — Unconfirmed
May 4, 2018 — Unconfirmed
July 6, 2018 — Unconfirmed
November 2, 2018 — Unconfirmed
May 3, 2019 — Unconfirmed
To hazard another guess, May 5th 2017 looks like the most likely slot for another man in a tin can outing. Granted, if Avengers 3 doesn’t slot into May 4th 2018, then that’s also another possibility! What do you think? Would you watch an Iron Man movie without Robert Downey Jr?