Great news for Clerks fans. On the latest episode of Kevin Smith’s (we haven’t forgotten Ralph) Hollywood Babble-On podcast, the director a...
Great news for Clerks fans. On the latest episode of Kevin Smith’s (we haven’t forgotten Ralph) Hollywood Babble-On podcast, the director announced that Clerks 3 is finally happening!
“Tusk opened about as poorly as a movie can open. Honestly, I read a lot of fuckin pieces the day after were like utter disaster and shit like that. I did. As per usual, the people that love me, love me, but the people that fucking hate me, hate my guts
Everything in my life would suck right now if I hadn’t made that movie. I’m back in movies now. I’ve got three lined up, and this is the fucking grand news. Tusk was the absolute bridge to Clerks 3. Because of Tusk, I got my financing for Clerks 3. … It was Tusk. It was people going ‘Holy Fuck! What else do you have?’ And I was like, Clerks 3.Done. So everybody that’s like, ‘He failed, he failed,’ thank you I failed into Clerks 3."
Silent Bob also explained that the movie is in the black as once the international and domestic rights were sold, everybody was covered. He did concede though that Tusk shouldn’t have opened on as many screens Stateside as it did.
While we’re yet to see Tusk on this side of the pond, it hasn’t got a huge amount of praise, granted I always find certain sites and critics have a real axe to grind with Smith, for whatever reason. But box office numbers have been abysmal (regardless if it’s in the black) for the movie with an opening weekend that saw the movie rake in only $800,000.
Regardless of the bullshit that is going on (and we still have high hopes for the movie here) we’re damn glad that Clerks 3 is happening. And by god, do we want some more kinky kelly and the sexy stud!