Our new weekly feature continues, bringing you biggest movie stories from the last week in case you missed them. If you have missed some o...
Our new weekly feature continues, bringing you biggest movie stories from the last week in case you missed them. If you have missed some of them, postcards to the usual address explaining why.
- Michael Bay is flexing new muscles and might not be directing Transformers 5
- Zoolander 2 is nearly on the catwalk, a catwalk made of blue steel (sorry)
- Bad Robot releases a picture of the hand of Darth Vader / Luke Skywalker or some random droid (internet explodes…again)
- We didn’t find as much happiness as we thought with Hector And The Search For Happiness
- Julianne Moore bounced all over the place in the new Maps To The Stars trailer
- A 3 year old Leonardo DiCaprio (we’re not good with ages, he might be 6) and a bunch of other celebs end up on a compilation video of dodgy audition tapes
- The legendary Robin Williams passed away – We remember the man who brought so much happiness here and tackle online trolls with this piece about mental illness
- Simon Pegg lets a big pussy cat out of a Star Trek branded bag
- Arnie stares at Abigail Breslin in the first images from Maggie, a movie about his on screen daughter turning into a zombie.
- Johnny Depp grows a moustache in the first trailer for Mortdecai
- Benicio Del Toro is Pablo Escobar, no questions asked in the first images from Paradise Lost
- The Aquaman movie is a go an Warner Bros. have two script writers fighting to the death to get the best script
- The synopsis and cast is revealed for Sinister 2 (Shannyn Sossamon) , expect more death and destruction as the synopsis says “The cast find themselves in a rural house marked for death”
- Lex Luthor has got….serious spoiler warning….his hands on General Zod’s body in a rumoured plot leak from Batman v Superman
- Get out your spandex, the Power Rangers are coming to a big screen in 2016
- Martin Lawrence thinks Bad Boys 3 is happening
- Some of the cast of Into The Storm talk straw going through trees
- North Korea beats Sony studios into submission…or at least some digital removal
- Godzilla will trample all over movie screens once more in 2018
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