Time to call Kenny Loggins! The Penguins Of Madagascar are headed for the Dangerzone. Ok, my shitty soundtrack reference aside, I always fe...
Time to call Kenny Loggins! The Penguins Of Madagascar are headed for the Dangerzone. Ok, my shitty soundtrack reference aside, I always felt the best thing about the Madagascar movies was the penguins. They had attitude, they had balls (as penguins go) and they had tones of personality. The trailer for their first solo outing is genuinely hilarious with more than enough funny to convince you to buy tickets right now! Check it out below and prepare for laughter!
Released: 26th November (U.S.)/ 5th December (U.K.)/ 27th March 2015 (IRL)
SYNOPSIS Super spy teams aren’t born…they’re hatched. Discover the secrets of the greatest and most hilarious covert birds in the global espionage biz: Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private. These elitists of the elite are joining forces with a chic undercover organization, The North Wind. Led by handsome and husky Agent Classified (we could tell you his name, but then…you know), voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch. Together, they must stop the villainous Dr. Octavius Brine, voiced by John Malkovich, from destroying the world as we know it.