As most people know by now, JJ ABrams won’t be directing the next Star Trek movie. Roberto Orci (who wrote the last two Star Trek movies) h...
As most people know by now, JJ ABrams won’t be directing the next Star Trek movie. Roberto Orci (who wrote the last two Star Trek movies) had been lobbying hard for the gig and while no official word has come from the Paramount house, Simon Pegg says otherwise. Speaking to the BBC, the actor who plays Scotty said
"I'm really happy he's doing it as it's kept within the family kind of thing, it's not somebody coming in from outside," said Pegg."Bob's been there since the first Star Trek - by that I mean the 2009 one - so it seemed to make perfect sense that he come in as a director on this one because he gets it."He was always the most Trekkie of all of those guys anyway, he's always understood the story the best so it's great that he's going to be involved in the writing and directing."