
Mental Illness Black And White Its Not

It’s been a sad day as the world has come to terms with the loss of Robin Williams. A man who on the outside was full of the joys of life, l...

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It’s been a sad day as the world has come to terms with the loss of Robin Williams. A man who on the outside was full of the joys of life, laughing, joking, smiling and engaging. A talented, award winning actor with the world at his feet. An incredible individual loved by his colleague and peers and worshiped by movie fans around the world.

Throughout the day, his death has bestowed a dark cloud over my head which has rained nothing but sadness, with the occasional break when I’d watch a clip online that would crack me up. But what has saddened me even more so, not to say frustrated the hell out of me, is some peoples attitudes. Individuals who commented online stating Robin Williams was a “coward for taking the easy way out” or he did a selfish act or one of the most common musings I read today was “Sure, what has he got to be depressed about? He’s got money and a good life, there is nothing to be depressed about”. These are the people that have motivated me to write this. While you can’t educate idiots, you can create an awareness.

If you don’t understand mental illness in it’s simplest form, it’s a disease, then you really shouldn’t be throwing your dumb ass, uninformed opinion about. When it comes to suicide, nobody takes the easy way out. Never. Robin Williams hung himself with his belt. As grim as those words are, that’s the stark reality of what has happened. But let’s think about this for a moment. And I mean really think about this.

This amazing actor had to take a belt, one he no doubt wore many times, tie it around his neck and secure it between a door and the door frame. What went through his mind during those moments where he put it around his neck? Did he think he was selfish? Did he think he was a coward? In his final moments when that belt tightened around his neck and he breathed his last breath alone, did he think he was selfish? Did he think he was a coward? Like fuck he did. The darkness took over completely and the lights went out. As grim as that might sound (you were forewarned) that’s what happens. People struggle in their last moments as the body fights to stay alive. And then, the fight stops.

Depression is a mental illness. It’s a horrific disease. You don’t pick this up by not using hand sanitizer. This is a disease that creeps up on people with ninja like stealth. You will never see it coming. But you#ll know when it’s arrived. And depression arrives with a wallop. There can be a million reasons that kicks it off in the first place, but once it does start it grows and continues to grow. Before you know it, you starting losing parts of yourself to this evil bastard.Hours turn to days and days turn to weeks. You have to talk yourself out of bed. Some days you won’t get out of bed and every day you don’t, it grows and tightens it’s grip. By the time you realise something is seriously wrong and you go and get some help, you are in a serious spot of bother. Even with help, depression is a hard thing to beat. In some ways it’s never beatable, it’s always there, lurking in the background, just waiting for an opportunity to creep back in. These are the days that you have to take it out back and kick it’s ass. And that may be the rest of your life. For others, they see no way out. Help or not, there is no light at the end of the tunnel. You feel you are better off dead. And tragically this happens to people all over the world, every single day. This disease doesn’t discriminate. Regardless of who and what you are, rich or poor, it makes no difference. Everybody can feel like shit. Everybody.

This is a disease, that once it takes control completely, strikes with the ferocity and speed of a cobra It takes over fully. And while it gains complete control for only a few seconds, these are the vital few seconds where people go through with suicide. Some people for whatever reason pull back at the last second, but others as we know, don’t. If you find yourself in trouble and you know the darkness has taken complete control, please try and give yourself an extra few life saving seconds.

I’m not asking you to understand mental illness and depression. What I am asking you, is please take a few minutes to think about somebody who takes their own life or who suffers from depression. It’s never black and white. It’s never selfish. It’s never a cowardly act. This fucking disease doesn’t care who it affects.

And keep in mind that someone you know is suffering from depression. I guarantee it. They are suffering in silence. Just because you are not aware, doesn’t mean they aren’t suffering. So instead of spouting bullshit on the internet, maybe take a minute to ask “Are you ok?” or tell someone that “you’re there if they need to talk.” Those few words may save a life. They may even save yours.


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The Movie Bit Testing: Mental Illness Black And White Its Not
Mental Illness Black And White Its Not
The Movie Bit Testing
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