If I recall correctly, we haven’t had a rapture movie since This Is The End. Thankfully, gigantic devil dicks will probably make no appearan...
If I recall correctly, we haven’t had a rapture movie since This Is The End. Thankfully, gigantic devil dicks will probably make no appearance in Left Behind starring Nicolas Cage, which is based on the best selling novel by . Movies that play on people’s faith are always intriguing to say the least as filmmakers exploit a few religious mind sets and get audiences thinking. The latest trailer for Left Behind does just that, but check it out for yourself and see what questions you ask yourself. Besides the rapture side of it, it looks to have a finale of one of those 80s Airport movies, and that’s not a bad thing either. The movie is directed by world famous stuntman, Vic Armstrong.
Synopsis: This movie follows Rayford Steele who is piloting a commercial airliner just hours after the Rapture when millions of people around the globe simply vanish. Thirty thousand feet over the Atlantic, Rayford is faced with a damaged plane, terrified passengers, and a desperate desire to get back to his family. On the ground, his daughter, Chloe Steele (Cassi Thomson) is among those left behind, forced to navigate a world of madness as she searches for her lost mother and brother. The movie is based on the New York Times bestselling book series of the same name, co-authored by Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim LaHaye. Based on the Bible and published in 32 different languages, the series has sold more than 65 million copies and is one of the best-selling fiction series of all time.