
Uncharted Movie going into production next year

We’ve yet to experience a decent video game to movie adaptation, but next year may well be the year that happens as the PS3 title, Uncharted...

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We’ve yet to experience a decent video game to movie adaptation, but next year may well be the year that happens as the PS3 title, Uncharted gets the movie treatment, with production beginning very early next year. And as for the movie itself, here’s what director Seth Gordon had to say (speaking to Zap2it)

“It’s going to honor the mythology of the game, but I would say honor some of the most interesting stuff from the first one and build from there. There’s some stuff that isn’t in the game. I love the complexity and frankly the sophistication of the storytelling in the game, and we aspire to that — but don’t want to tell the exact same story, of course — so something that doesn’t break the rules of what it did but expands. Because I feel like the people who play the games and know them well don’t want to just see the same story told. You want extra shades.”

The Uncharted movie has had everybody from Mark Wahlberg and Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci attached to star, and while that trio would give the movie some serious weight, it’s still unknown who will star. Casting aside, the video game itself was a pure Hollywood blockbuster and had a decent story in places and was nothing but fun. My personal favourite was the third instalment. It’s got all the ingredients to make a big fun summer blockbuster that will not only attract gamers (once they decide to leave the house) and movie fans alike.

A movie based on a decent video game? What can go wrong? Obviously Hollywood has learned from Super Mario Bros, Wing Commander and Tomb Raider hasn’t it? With video games like Warcraft (directed by Moon’s Duncan Jones), Assassins Creed, Splinter Cell, Shadow of the Colossus, Minecraft and even The Last Of Us all poised for the big screen over the next few years, maybe Hollywood has finally pulled the joypad out of its ass!!! We shall wait and see!


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The Movie Bit Testing: Uncharted Movie going into production next year
Uncharted Movie going into production next year
The Movie Bit Testing
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