
The Expendables 3 officially rated PG-13

Just before the release of The Expendables 2, word leaked out that the movie could be rated PG-13 (the equivalent of a 12A or 15A on this si...

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Just before the release of The Expendables 2, word leaked out that the movie could be rated PG-13 (the equivalent of a 12A or 15A on this side of the pond), a step down from the original's R rating, meaning a much more subdued affair with pretty much all of the bloody violence and salty language removed. This was something Sylvester Stallone had said he never wanted to happen when he first announced the franchise, which brought over the top 80's action back into cinemas. Well, the R rating stayed put for The Expendables 2, but not so The Expendables 3, which has been officially announced as PG-13 for, 'violence including intense sustained gun battles and fight scenes, and for language'.

Most fans will likely lament the watering down of their gore soaked action franchise, but what could bring about this change? Money, pure and simple. The first two movies were no slouches in the box office, with The Expendables taking in $275 million off a $90 million budget, while The Expendables 2 earned $305 million on the back of $100 million, but with The Expendables 3 most likely being the last entry in the franchise, this is clearly being pitched at a much wider audience, with an eye on a much bigger payday. It's not an ideal scenario, but sadly one that happens far too often, with Die Hard, Taken 2, and the Robocop reboot being the most recent casualties of this practice. Now, I'm not saying this puts the nail in the coffin of The Expendables 3. The most recent trailer was insane and has me foaming at the mouth to see it, but when Sly aims a knife at a goons head, and the camera pulls away just before we get to see the bloody impact, I will definitely feel a little sad inside, thinking of what could have been.

The Expendables 3 hits the big screen August 15th.


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The Movie Bit Testing: The Expendables 3 officially rated PG-13
The Expendables 3 officially rated PG-13
The Movie Bit Testing
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