Harrison Ford, as you probably know, suffered a broken leg due to somebody being a bit useless with a hydro spanner, on the set of Star Wars...
Harrison Ford, as you probably know, suffered a broken leg due to somebody being a bit useless with a hydro spanner, on the set of Star Wars Episode VII. If the rumour mill is to be believed (and fuck me, there is so many rumours floating about for Ep VII) Han Solo is to have a fairly substantial role. But with a bust leg, it’s going to take alot of scheduling work to work around his injury. So much so, that in August production will go a two-week hiatus while adjustments are made to the current production schedule as Ford recovers. And by all accounts, the actor is doing well and looking forward to returning to the set soon.
Star Wars Episode VII is still scheduled for it’s December 18th 2015 release date and the shooting is still on track. Whether or not some story shuffling or rewrites has happened due to Ford’s leg is unknown.