
Star Wars Episode VII In Portmagee / Skellig Michael Co Kerry PICS

UPDATE 1 8 14 – One final update that just came into us. The base camp is being stripped down and getting smaller by the minute! That real...

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UPDATE 1 8 14 – One final update that just came into us. The base camp is being stripped down and getting smaller by the minute! That really is a wrap.

Photo Credit: Madeleine Weber

And that’s all folks! At least as far as Star Wars Episode VII is concerned, in Ireland at least. So, thank you all for dropping by this page in your tens of thousands over the last few days. It’s been fun! And please, check out the rest of the site for all things movies.

UPDATE 31 7 14 1929 GMT – That’s a wrap kids! Cast and crew have left Kerry and Mark Hamill tweeted  the following message


UPDATE 31 7 14 0837 GMT –  J.J. Abrams has been pictured enjoying the sunshine and a banana in Waterville yesterday. Picture appeared on the Irish Examiner website

UPDATE 30 7 2224 GMT Front page of tomorrow’s Kerry’s Eye confirms Daisy Ridley’s involvement in island scene. we are still waiting more pictures to come through. Lo-res capture below.


UPDATE 30 7 2026 GMT One of the boxes that came off with the crew (not sure if today or yesterday or monday) read “Film Stock – Do Not X-Ray.”

UPDATE 30 7 14 2016 GMT Contrary to one of the updates below, the cast and crew are actually still on Skellig Michael as I write this. They were due to finish at 5pm as they have done during the week, but not today.

UPDATE 30 7 14 1957 GMT Photographs of the cast in Waterville this morning will surface shortly. (this was previously post shooting, but turns out it was this morning)

UPDATE 30 7 14 1922 GMT Production has now stopped and the crew have wrapped. Daisy Ridley confirmed on location! She shared a scene with Mark Hamill on Skellig Michael.

UPDATE 29 7 14 2211 GMT Video of Portmagee, Boats used to take the crew out, Security outside base camp, Boats ferrying the crew and the rather awesome camera copter taking off and flying out to Skellig Michael

UPDATE 29 7 14 2128 GMT New shots including two choppers (one camera copter, possibly IMAX rig on front and one passenger chopper used for ferrying cast to Skellig Michael), the naval exclusion zone and more

Base camp on Valentia Island, across from Portmagee


Camera Copter AND Passenger Chopper


Camera Copter


Crew arriving back in Portmagee after a day long shoot


Crew arriving back in Portmagee after a day long shoot


Crew arriving back in Portmagee after a day long shoot


Crew arriving back in Portmagee after a day long shoot


Crew been ferried back to Portmagee


Crew been ferried back to Portmagee


Crew been ferried back to Portmagee


Naval Exclusion Zone. Naval ship on constant patrol ensuring no unwanted boats were in the area


Security outside base camp

photo (7)

Security stationed in fields surrounding base camp

UPDATE 29 7 14 1036 GMT – New shots including directions and 2 choppers. The black chopper looks like it’s set up for filming as well as  a shot of the Skellig Michael and directions to the base camp



UPDATE 2155GMT – Some more images from Getty Images of Skellig Michael with tents and crew. Also another shot of base camp with the chopper parked up.



UPDATE 2052 GMT – Mark Hamill 100% confirmed on location Luke Skywalker himself was on Skellig Michael today with JJ Abrams, on the first day of shooting in South Kerry. His family is with him too! Via Getty Images

UPDATE 1950 GMT – Interview with Owen O Shea from Radio Kerry who spent much of the day in Portmagee. Owen told me how the day played out, from security guards to fleets of cars carrying crew and JJ Abrams. Below is a sample of the interview. To get the full interview, follow the instructions below

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UPDATE – Some fantastic new images have been kindly provided to us by photographer Madeleine Weber including the chopper that’s being used to carry JJ Abrams. Not sure if he was on board or not at the time

UPDATE – Unconfirmed reports that Mark Hamill is in the area

UPDATE – Confirmed from a source that J.J. Abrams landed in Kerry airport earlier today

UPDATE – New image of the crew boarding in Portmagee (scroll down)

UPDATE – New image of security in Valencia (scroll down for the image)

UPDATE – Apparently it’s the lesser known cast members that are to shoot on Skellig Michael, according to some reporters, but again, that depends on their knowledge. But if that’s anything to go by, don’t expect Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher or Luke Skywalker

UPDATE – Some filming has already take place very early this morning

UPDATE – It’s now confirmed that a helicopter will fly the cast and very possibly JJ Abrams to Skellig Michael. The helipad will fly from Valentia island.

As the world knows by now, Star Wars Episode VII will have a 3 day shoot on Skellig Michael off the South Kerry coast. Boats will deliver crew and gear to the island although some of what we’re hearing is that the cast will be flown to the island from a base camp on the mainland. The shoot is scheduled for 3 days, beginning today (Monday) and running until Wednesday.

A few pictures have surfaced online, and while we can’t authenticate the images, we’ll run with them until we’re told otherwise. Bookmark this page as we’ll update when we get more images.


Two boats arriving (far right of picture) with crew at Skellig Michael – Photo Credit: Madeleine Weber


Another boat ferrying crew and gear to Skellig Michael - Photo Credit: Madeleine Weber


Two boats with crew. Photo Credit: Madeleine Weber


This is the chopper carrying JJ Abrams - Photo Credit: Madeleine Weber


Episode VII Crew loading up and preparing to get ferried to Skellig Michael - Photo Credit: Michael Sullivan


Security spotted on Valentia Island - Photo credit: Owen O Shea

Base camp outside of Portmagee - Photo credit: Declan O Donoghue


Boats waiting to ferry the crew - Photo credit: Michael Sullivan


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The Movie Bit Testing: Star Wars Episode VII In Portmagee / Skellig Michael Co Kerry PICS
Star Wars Episode VII In Portmagee / Skellig Michael Co Kerry PICS
The Movie Bit Testing
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