7165 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles is an address that will be familiar to lots of people, as it’s the home of the New Beverly Cinema. But even i...
7165 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles is an address that will be familiar to lots of people, as it’s the home of the New Beverly Cinema. But even if you’re not familiar with the address, you’re familiar with the cinema. Edgar Wright for example, has professed his love countless times and the building was saved from redevelopment by Quentin Tarantino back in 2007, with the Pulp Fiction director stating “As long as I'm alive, and as long as I'm rich, the New Beverly will be there, showing double features in 35mm”
Out Of Print the movie, revolves around the New Beverly Cinema that is one of the oldest revival houses in California and pushes an incredibly passionate case for revival cinema and the wonderful world of 35mm, which as some of you may know is more or less a dead format with the advent of digital cinema. I wouldn’t be a hardcore 35mm fan, but from time to time I do miss it. It’s really hard to define what I miss, but the easiest way to say it is, I miss the feel of it. I grew up when digital projection was a million miles away, hanging out in cinemas like the Oakwood in Carrigaline and The Capitol on the Grand Parade (both in Cork, Ireland). So for me, that 35mm grain was ingrained and the first time I really noticed the difference was with Public Enemies, which was shot entirely on digital (and was Michael Mann’s first all digital movie). It just didn’t feel right. And that’s the feeling of 35mm at least to me.
But I digress, the trailer for Out Of Print has dropped in and it looks like an absolutely wonderful piece of work (and that’s even before you include the contributors like Kevin Smith, Edgar Wrigtt, Joe Carnahan and tonnes more) that cinema aficionados will cherish! Check it out below!