Holy crap! Nobody saw this coming. At the end of Legendary Pictures Hall H presentation at Comic-Con, Thomas Tull (the guy who wears the big...
Holy crap! Nobody saw this coming. At the end of Legendary Pictures Hall H presentation at Comic-Con, Thomas Tull (the guy who wears the biggest wig in Legendary) did a bit of a Steve Jobs, with one more thing. He announced as new movie coming November 4th 2016, Skull Island. Of course this was the famous island where they found King Kong all those years ago, and the big ape was teased in some footage to boot.
Legendary say “Prepare to explore the mysterious and dangerous Skull Island.” So, obviously it’s not just going to feature Kong. Skull Island was full of all kinds of crazy dinosaurs and monsters that would gladly use your spine as a tooth pick. I’m a huge Kong fan, and something like this just sound amazing. And, now that I’m thinking about it, this could well lead up to Godzilla V King Kong by 2020. Mind blown!
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