No, not your favourite internet journalist hacks! The other ones that you hate! Norton have just released the Hitchhikers Guide To Hacking...
From Wargames back in 1983 starring Matthew Broderick. The film featured a young hacker who almost inadvertently causes World War III when he taps into a military supercomputer. So the film required a stretch of the imagination, but it was a critical and commercial success, brought attention to the hacking phenomenon and even coined the phrase ‘firewall’.
Even Keanu Reeves got into it in 1999 with The Matrix as the world was hyperventilating with excitement over the turn of the century, whilst the threat of the Y2K problem loomed. Hacking was cooler and sexier than ever. With names like Neo and Trinity, the characters wore black trench coats and shades – a look which was copied worldwide, and yes we’re guilty of it too. However, we couldn’t afford that Nokia!