Since Edgar Wright’s departing of Ant-Man, we’ve been pretty gutted that he is no longer involved. His replacement, personally, I don’t hold...
Since Edgar Wright’s departing of Ant-Man, we’ve been pretty gutted that he is no longer involved. His replacement, personally, I don’t hold much hope for. Peyton Reed isn’t a bad director, but I feel that he may well lack the grand vision for something like Ant-Man. But, what would I know right? Kevin Feige spoke to IGN on why he decided that Reed should sit on the directors chair so one of the Marvel Universe’s “smallest” characters!
"Peyton is someone that I've been a fan of for a long time. People may not remember, though probably your readers remember, that he was attached to Fantastic Four more than 10 years ago. We spent a lot of time together… and I got along with Peyton very, very well and he had awesome ideas and an awesome vision for the movie, and for various reasons he ended up leaving that movie...'Peyton was always on our lists, and so when this happened and Edgar [Wright] said 'Not for me' we met with a handful of people, but Peyton was always one that I thought would be great.
"It was not a slam-dunk that he would just step into it and do it. He wanted to be sure that he was wasn't just inheriting something or following someone else's lead. Or wasn't inheriting something that the evil studio had watered down to be something bad. I kept saying, 'You can either read what's online, or come in and talk to us and look at all this stuff.' He looked at everything, he talked with us, and he said 'Number one, I agree with the direction you’re going in. And number two, I can add to it.' And he has – the movie is in as good a shape as it's ever been right now.'
And while its typical PR spin, there is an interesting line in there about the “evil” studio watering things down. It’s this kind of spin that has suddenly reignited some hope inside me. And yes, it’s spin, but it’s honest sound spin. And that’ll do us for now.