You could say that nobody wanted a sequel to the 2010 movie, Hot Tub Time Machine. A movie where a bunch of friends do a spot of time travel...
You could say that nobody wanted a sequel to the 2010 movie, Hot Tub Time Machine. A movie where a bunch of friends do a spot of time travelling in a bloody hot tub. So, for this to get a sequel means it made a tonne of money, right? Nope! With an estimated budget of $36 million, the movie only raked in $64 million worldwide, making it an absolute flop. We gave it 3 stars, advising people that “you could see alot worse, but leave your brain at the door.”
Somebody somewhere lost their mind and greenlit this thing and now we have the red band trailer, which is NSFW, so keep that in mind before you press play. It’s more of the same, and while that isn’t a bad thing at times, you be the judge!
Like the Christmas present you never wanted it’s released on Christmas Day Stateside and December 26th IRELAND & UK