Ron Howard’s In The Heart Of The Sea could will be a monumental piece of cinema. This one has got me really excited as I’m envisioning some ...
Ron Howard’s In The Heart Of The Sea could will be a monumental piece of cinema. This one has got me really excited as I’m envisioning some epic set pieces with Ron Howard’s incredibly accomplished style!. Telling the story of the true events that inspired Moby Dick, it follows the voyage (a rather doomed voyage at that) of the whaling ship called the Essex, which was attacked by a big old sperm whale way back in 1820, which resulted in the crew being stranded for 90 days. There is fantastic cast here including Cillian Murphy, Brendan Gleeson, Ben Whishaw and Chris Hemsworth. Thor himself has featured in a tweet from Ron Howard, while in post production on the movie. The movie is set to be released in March 2015.
Post prod duties for In the Heart of the Sea
— Ron Howard (@RealRonHoward) July 8, 2014