Marvel Studios have announced that it has planned five more movies that will be released between 2017 and 2019. They’ve also locked in speci...
Marvel Studios have announced that it has planned five more movies that will be released between 2017 and 2019. They’ve also locked in specific dates too which you can read below
July 8, 2016
May 5, 2017
July 28, 2017
November 3, 2017
July 6, 2018
November 2, 2018
May 3, 2019
Obviously, speculation on what these 5 new Marvel movies are is anyones guess! I’d hazard a guess that Avengers 3 is obviously in there, with that July 6th 2018 or possibly May 5th being a prime contender. Thor 3 could feature in there somewhere as could Iron-Man 4. The Iron-Man one is an interesting idea, as Robert Downey Jr. seems to be winding down his career (if you believe the spin) as a playboy, billionaire, philanthropist. The actor has signed on for The Avengers 3 alright, but nothing about a fourth Iron-Man. A Hulk movie is another possibility as is a Doctor Strange flick. And If Guardians Of The Galaxy does well, a sequel from that gun toting raccoon and his buddies is inevitable.
Marvel are hitting Comic-Con next Saturday so we’ll see will there be any announcements of these 5 new movies.