
Top 5 Movie Character Suits

The new Tom Cruise sci-fi/action flick Edge Of Tomorrow hit theaters this past week and much of the focus surrounding the film centers on t...

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The new Tom Cruise sci-fi/action flick Edge Of Tomorrow hit theaters this past week and much of the focus surrounding the film centers on the awesome mech suits worn by main characters. Naturally, these suits got us thinking: what are some other suits and costumes that left indelible impressions on audiences? Here are our picks for the top five most memorable and impactful suits in movies.

5. The Joker

To list a popular hero suit would be tricky, given that they tend to change between different versions of hero movies. But Batman villain The Joker has kept his costume relatively similar throughout the years, from Jack Nicholson to Heath Ledger—and it's wonderfully ridiculous. The slightly oversized purple suit coupled with face makeup, a painted grin, and green(ish) hair suits The Joker perfectly.

4. Hannibal

Hannibal's infamous muzzle mask, coupled with occasional all-white, clinical looking outfit is devastatingly effective. Picturebox's movie blog recently reviewed Hannibal and cited the movie's wonderful blend of grace and menace in depicting Anthony Hopkins' Hannibal Lecter—but how about madness? Grace and menace are all well and good, but Hopkins' villain, with many thanks to his suit and mask, became the very image of criminal insanity.


3. Boba Fett

I hate to put two Star Wars outfits on this list (see #1), but Boba Fett's jetpack suit is so well regarded by fans that it's elevated the character's fame way beyond what it should be. You'll probably recognize a Boba Fett poster even if you haven't seen the movies in five years. But re-watch them and you'll probably be shocked how small a role he actually plays!


2. V (Or Guy Fawkes)

In 2005, V For Vendetta rolled out what has become one of the most recognizable (and awesome) suit/mask combinations in modern movie history. The jester-like Guy Fawkes mask worn by main character V coupled with a Zorro-like black hat and cape—along with an array of glistening knives—remains a Halloween hit nearly a decade after the film's release.

1. Darth Vader

You may argue that it's a boring choice, but the simple fact is there's no more iconic costume in film history than Darth Vader's all-black helmet/mask and flowing cape. Everything from the dark, soulless eyes of the mask to the deliberate, instantly recognizable breathing adds depth to the character of Vader. Today you can even find children who've never seen a Star Wars instantly recognizing the legendary suit.



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The Movie Bit Testing: Top 5 Movie Character Suits
Top 5 Movie Character Suits
The Movie Bit Testing
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