Kevin Feige has been talking his lungs off at CineEurope over the last few days and spoke about something, no doubt all of us would LOVE to ...
Kevin Feige has been talking his lungs off at CineEurope over the last few days and spoke about something, no doubt all of us would LOVE to see. With Fox and Sony holding rights to X-Men and Spidey respectively, there is not much hope of us seeing them all team up…or is there. Here’s what Marvel Studios president, Kevin Feige has to say
"It would be great, I think, to be able to have all of the Marvel characters interact one day, in a single movie with Marvel Studios, [but] I don't think that'll happen anytime soon. Fox is doing very well - Days Of Future Pastjust came out, was a big hit, was a very, very good movie. As long as they keep doing that they'll be able to keep those rights. Sony - same thing - has very long term plans for Spidey, and I think as long as they keep doing that and as long as they keep succeeding, Sony will have Spidey for a long time. So I wouldn't say anything's impossible, I've been at Marvel for almost 14 years now, and it's a very different company today than when it was a near bankrupt company just trying to get a foothold in movies when I started. So I always say nothing is impossible but I'm not sure that's going to happen any time soon."
So, we wait…and wait…….and wait. It’ll probably take a bunch of major box office disasters for both franchises for something to happen, but we still have some hope…don’t we?