Ron Perlman says he’ll never stop trying to get Hellboy 3 made. And good for him. If Del Toro could clear off some of his insane schedule of...
Ron Perlman says he’ll never stop trying to get Hellboy 3 made. And good for him. If Del Toro could clear off some of his insane schedule of writing, directing, producing and god knows what else then we could have a little bit more hope for a third and final big red movie. Perlman comes across as really passionate with brief video from Red Carpet News.
Besides Del Toro and his busy schedule, it could well come down to the numbers as tragically, the original Hellboy never broke the $100 mill mark and while the sequel crawled over the $150 mill milestone, neither ever set the box office alight, which is a shame as they are both absolutely brilliant movies. I’m not sure what Ron is doing, maybe a spot of shadow boxing or throwing darts at a cardboard cutout of a studio executive, but fingers crossed that Perlman’s daily fight pays off.