Yesterday along with a bunch of other folks, we all had a bit of a meltdown when it was announced that Shane Black (Iron Man 3) was to writ...
Yesterday along with a bunch of other folks, we all had a bit of a meltdown when it was announced that Shane Black (Iron Man 3) was to write and direct a Predator reboot. Collider reached out to Shane Black who said he and his writing partner Fred Dekker are envisioning an inventive sequel.
“As far as Fred and I are concerned anyway,” Black said, adding “Why start over, when you’ve all this rich mythology yet to mine?” Black said he doesn’t like reboots generally, but can “really get behind inventive sequels”. He also says he likes “the idea of expanding and exploring the existing Predator mythology, rather than hitting the restart button.”
That’s alright then! Phew! Now we await to see how a sequel (lets forget about the Danny Glover one) will fair! Interesting times ahead for one of cinemas baddest asses!