
Kevin Feige addresses Ant-Man issues at CineEurope

CineEurope just wrapped up in Barcelona and amongst all the movie shenanigans Marvel Studios head big wig, Kevin Feige took part in a Q&...

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CineEurope just wrapped up in Barcelona and amongst all the movie shenanigans Marvel Studios head big wig, Kevin Feige took part in a Q&A and addressed the current state of Ant-Man, beginning by saying that the movie is still coming out on July 17th 2015. "Ant-Man is still going to come out on 17 July [2015], we start filming this August. Edgar Wright, who I've known for many years, who wrote the draft with Joe Cornish - much of the movie will still be based very much on that draft and the DNA of what Edgar has created up to this point, but Peyton Reed has stepped in [to direct].

He also spoke about Adam McKay coming on board to rework the script "Adam McKay, a very good writer is reworking parts of the script - not the entirety of the script, but some of it - and it's going to, we believe, come to life in the best version of Ant-Man that we could possibly make. Again Ant-Man is a very important character for us. We like that people don't necessarily know what it is, we like that it sounds sort of strange when you first hear the notion of Ant-Man, or a hero that can shrink, but he's a very key Marvel character: he's a key Avenger. He's an important character we want to bring into our universe and Paul Rudd, Michael Douglas and an amazing cast all set to start in August, we believe that we're on the road to the best version of Ant-Man that we could have."

I’m sure people will say it’s typical PR spin, which it no doubt is,  but as far as I’m concerned, Peyton Reed is truly out of his league here, with a movie that will no doubt be visual effects lead. He’s not a bad director (The Break Up was decent) but I just fear he doesn’t have the creative vision for something like this. But look, I’m just some hack, so best of luck to him. But remember these reservations in 12 months!

Via Total Film


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The Movie Bit Testing: Kevin Feige addresses Ant-Man issues at CineEurope
Kevin Feige addresses Ant-Man issues at CineEurope
The Movie Bit Testing
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