Life is a right bitch. We’ve all been there, where life just comes in and kicks you right in the squidgy parts. And then while you’re crouch...
Life is a right bitch. We’ve all been there, where life just comes in and kicks you right in the squidgy parts. And then while you’re crouched over cradling your throbbing bundle of squidge, it kicks you into the face. It’s hard to get back up, it’s hard to find the inspiration to keep on going and it’s incredibly hard to change direction on the multiple pathways of life. As James Cameron once said in a Ted Talk, “Failure is an option, Fear is not”. Very wise words if you can take them on board, and Jim Carrey recently delivered a spiel at the Maharishi University of Management's class of 2014 that contains some of the most powerful dialogue I’ve ever heard. It really is a life changing speech, and while it is so simple it is incredibly powerful.
So no matter how shit life has been today, or yesterday, take a look at this following video again and again until it sinks in and then kick the living shit out of tomorrow! I’ve been genuinely blown away with what Jim Carrey has delivered here and man, does it make one big pile of sense! Thanks Jim!
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