Earlier today we included the results of our birthday poll, “The Best Movie Of The Last Five Years”, in our latest podcast. Click here to l...
Earlier today we included the results of our birthday poll, “The Best Movie Of The Last Five Years”, in our latest podcast. Click here to listen to the full reveal. But now, in case you’re headphones exploded we’re happy to reveal it in text too. The top 5 went like this (we’ve included snippets of our reviews)..And YES! 3 Movies tied for third!! Insane! And listen to us wax lyrical about the Top 5 Movies Of The Last Five Years in this weeks podcast. Click here for audible delights.
5 - The Dark Knight Rises
”From the get go, The Dark Knight Rises grabs you by the throat and doesn’t let you go until the very end. This is one of the movies of the year. It is simply a phenomenal cinematic experience. A must see!”
4 - Iron Man 3
”It’s funny, it’s gripping and its action scenes are phenomenal. It’s got style and a helluva lot of substance. But it’s real Pièce de résistance is Tony Stark and Robert Downey Jr’s portrayal. Even though 2013 is only four months old, Iron Man 3 is one of the movies of the year, so suit up. This is truly Starktacular.”
3 - Crazy Stupid Love
“Crazy, Stupid, Love has incredible heart, solid performances and is incredibly touching and sweet. It will bring smiles and tears and, if anything it’ll even make you question your own relationship and how you could make it better. Even if you’re single, it will bring a glimmer of hope. Above all else, this is a must see. One of my favourite movies of 2011! Inspirational!”
“The story itself is straight forward and while its not going to tax your brain or the kids brains at that, it’s a little bit clunky and seems a bit all over the place. That said, its easily forgivable!”
Desolation Of Smaug
”The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug is absolutely spectacular. Find the biggest screen you can, and savour every fiery minute of this. Brilliant!”
2 - Django Unchained
”Django Unchained is a fantastic and exciting piece of cinema full of great scenes (Schultz's horse Fritz steals every scene he’s in), great dialogue and incredibly likeable characters. It’s everything you’d expect from Tarantino and then some! Highly recommended!”
1 – Inception
Ironically enough, we didn’t review Inception at the time due to a number of reasons, one of them being the birth of my son, Cameron on week of release. Safe to say now though, we would give it a full five stars!