

It was today, 5 years ago that I posted an obligatory test post on this here website. I never thought back then that it would transform into...

Batman v Superman Comic Con Trailer
Zach Snyder brings the Batmobile to Comic Con
Harrison Ford talks The Force Awakens at Comic Con
It was today, 5 years ago that I posted an obligatory test post on this here website. I never thought back then that it would transform into what it is today, a wretched hive of scum and villainy. Star Wars geeks will get that!

The site has and always will be a labour of love. There is an insane amount of work gone into the site over the last five years. From it’s ever evolving design to technical issues which nearly wiped the whole thing out and that’s even before we got to the content. With over 500 reviews and 6,000 articles the sheer volume of content we have generated in five years is pretty staggering by anyones standard, especially considering we are a very small team. 

I feel we’ve accomplished quite alot over the last 60 months. To toot our own horn (here comes the ego part), we’ve been featured on billboards, TV adverts, magazine ads, newspapers and everywhere else in between. But the biggest accomplishment we have is YOUR TRUST. People trust our reviews. While they can be quite no holds barred, if a movie is bad, we genuinely take pride in giving you a very honest and passionate review of a film.

Ok, I hear it. The violins are starting up. On a very personal note I want to drop a few thanks. Firstly to the movie studios, who to their credit have been very supportive over the years with exclusives, competitions and hospitality. I know it works both ways, they need the publicity and all that, but they don’t have to give us jack, but they do.

Our writers past and present. Thank you for what you’ve done. Especially you Tom White, your dedication is phenomenal. I’d like to add that I told you never to record that podcast 2 days after getting married. And I apologise to your wife. It wasn’t my fault. Honestly.

My own wife is a website widow. To all the times you’ve been left alone while your husband has been huddled away in an office, swearing and typing, thank you for being so supportive. My son Cameron (and inbound daughter) – Ye’ll write for this site someday! And you’ll goddamn like doing it too.

But most importantly (see, we saved the best for last)  Thank you for reading the site. Whether it’s been for the last five years or whether you’ve just stumbled in here by accident, THANK YOU. Hopefully we’ve been more useful than Chewie with a hydro spanner.

So check out our 5th Birthday video (which has a surprise or two in there) and stick around till the end as we have a little bit of a look back at the site over the last 5 years!

Thank you!

Victor Barry


And here is a quick look at our birthday celebration card that we sent out to lots of folks!


* ** *** **** ***** 2012 2014 behind the screens Cannes 2012 Comic Con 2014 Comic Con 2015 disney Django Unchained Editorial FC fifty best movies Godzilla Ireland Man Of Steel marvel May The Fourth 2015 Movie Reviews News Podcast Posters Prometheus RIP Shelf Life Skyfall Skyline Star Trek 2 star wars Star Wars Episode VII TFC The Amazing Spiderman The Avengers The Backseat The Dark Knight Rises The Hobbit the week in movies in case you missed it Trailers TW ultimate trivia VB Video Videos
The Movie Bit Testing: Happy Birthday To Us INCLUDES AWESOME BDAY VIDEO
The Movie Bit Testing
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