UPDATE - More images from the movie have come online, again courtesy of EW. This certainly looks insane, thankfully more The Road Warrior th...
Director George Miller's return to the post-apocalyptic world of Mad Max has been a long time coming, with weather issues putting back Fury Road's original production of start date of November 2011. The film is finally in the can after a seven month shoot, and with a release date set for May 15, 2015, EW has the first official image from the movie, putting it right on the front cover of their latest issue. Tom Hardy definitely looks the part, stepping into Mel Gibson's shoes as Max Rockantasky, but I'm more intrigued by Charlize Theron as the movie's big bad, Imperator Furiosa. She certainly looks bad ass, especially with a pretty sweet looking robotic arm.
Inside the issue, Miller also drops some details about the film, hinting that the movie is one, 110 minute long chase sequence. It's certainly ambitious, but Mad Max has been off our screens for a very long time, and, to tell you the truth, I don't think we need him back on it. But Fury Road is coming, and we have little over a year to wait to see what Miller has in store for us.