A few months back, it was announced that Andy Serkis's motion capture studio, The Imaginarium, would be consulting on Avengers: Age of U...
A few months back, it was announced that Andy Serkis's motion capture studio, The Imaginarium, would be consulting on Avengers: Age of Ultron, with Serkis, the God King of motion capture, himself working with Mark Ruffalo to bring the Hulk to life in a bigger and better way. But it seems his role in the highly anticipated super hero sequel doesn't end there. In an interview with Variety, Serkis let slip he actually had a role in the movie. The actor remained tightlipped when asked about the role further, specifically whether it was live action or performance capture, saying, 'I'm not at liberty to mention. But it's all the same to me. I've never drawn a distinction when playing a role, whether it be be live action or performance capture. Acting is acting. It's just basically what you wear to the set that's different'.
Talk soon turned to working with Ruffalo on the Hulk, and what we could expect from the Jade Giant this time round. 'Performance capture was used on the previous Hulk, but not to the same extent Mark is using it now', he said, 'There are tools and ways of working with an actor that makes them feel they own the character. And a character the size of the Hulk needs ownership, which Mark has now.' The Hulk in The Avengers was the best version of the character committed to film so far, and with the huge leap in motion capture in the last few years (you just have to look at Dawn of the Planet of the Apes to see how far it has come), I can't wait to see what is store for us this time round.
Avengers: Age of Ultron is set for release May 1st 2015.