Terry Hayes is a bit of an all round writing legend. Some of his work includes everything from Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior, Mad Max Beyond T...
Terry Hayes is a bit of an all round writing legend. Some of his work includes everything from Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior, Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome to Payback and plenty more in between. His new book is entitled I Am Pilgrim and I recently caught up with Terry to talk all things books, Hollywood and everything else you could imagine. As well as giving an insight into I Am Pilgrim, Terry has some great stories here especially around Jerry Bruckheimer and Pirates Of The Caribbean and he also recounts a brilliant tale involving Oliver Stone, baseball and a bunch of apes. He’s a really funny guy and has a superb take on things and this is certainly worth your time, as is his new book which is getting glowing reviews.
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Follow @themoviebitBook Synopsis: This astonishing debut espionage thriller depicts the collision course between two geniuses, one a tortured hero and one a determined terrorist, in a breakneck story reminiscent of John le Carré and Robert Ludlum at their finest.
PILGRIM is the code name for a world class and legendary secret agent. His adversary is a man known only to the reader as the Saracen. As a young boy, the Saracen barely sees his dissident father beheaded in a Saudi Arabian public square. But the event marks him for life and creates a burning desire to destroy the special relationship between the US and the Kingdom. Everything in the Saracen’s life from this moment forward will be in service to jihad.
At the novel’s opening, we find ourselves in a seedy hotel near Ground Zero. A woman lies face down in a pool of acid, features melted off her face, teeth missing, fingerprints gone. The room has been sprayed down with DNA-eradicating antiseptic spray. All the techniques are pulled directly from Pilgrim's book, a cult classic of forensic science written under a pen name.
In offering the NYPD some casual assistance with the case, Pilgrim gets pulled back into the intelligence underground. What follows is a thriller that jockeys between astonishingly detailed character study and breakneck globetrotting. The author shifts effortlessly from Pilgrim’s hidden life of leisure in Paris to the Saracen’s squalid warrior life in Afghanistan, from the hallways of an exclusive Swiss bank to the laboratories of a nefarious biotech facility in Syria.
The inevitable encounter between Pilgrim and the Saracen will come in Turkey, around the murder of a wealthy American, in a thrilling, twisting, beautifully orchestrated finale.