The first images of Arnold Schwarzengger , Jai Courtney and Emilia Clarke (yes, the mummy of dragons) in Terminator: Genesis have surface...
The first images of Arnold Schwarzengger, Jai Courtney and Emilia Clarke (yes, the mummy of dragons) in Terminator: Genesis have surfaced via The Daily Mail. And so besides the “not another, break out the inmates” vibe, Arnie looks like he’s aged about 125 years. The plot involves cyborgs disguised using human skin that ages, that’s the reason Arnie looks a little Gandalf! Nobody never heard of Grecian 200 then?And that combat jacket and jeans? Not exactly his best Terminator outfit. We presume Arnie will don sunglasses, leathers and spit out some one liners at some point. Well, at least we hope he will. Sorry for sounding negative on all of this, and yes I realise these are 3 shots out of a 90+ minute movie. But Arnie has yet to have a starring role that didn’t suck, since leaving office and I’m sceptical on that front. Let alone the fact that Terminator 3 never really happened, it was that bad! I’m a big fan of James Cameron, and to be honest, as talented as Alan Taylor is, I still don’t hold out any hope. While theres more likely hood of me directing another Terminator movie, than James Cameron, we can live in hope, once he’s finished with the Avatar sequels that the man who brought The Terminator to life, will once again get behind a camera with Arnie in front of it.
Terminator Genesis (more like Terminator Pensioner) is released on July 1st 2015.
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