We're all used to remakes and reboots at this this stage, but its very rare for a director to give his own movie the treatment. But that...
We're all used to remakes and reboots at this this stage, but its very rare for a director to give his own movie the treatment. But that is exactly what is happening with MGM and Warner Bros. announcing that Roland Emmerich is on board to reimagine his 1994 sci-fi adventure Stargate as a new trilogy. The original movie, about a group of soldiers who discover a portal to an alien world modelled on ancient Egypt, was considered a hit back in the day, and went on to spawn a series of t.v spin offs (the first of which, Stargate SG-1, lasted for 10 years), an animated series, and two direct-to-DVD movies. There are no real details available on the new film and trilogy, though considering the rich history of the franchise, and the devoted fans it has created, I wouldn't be surprised if it took ideas from the t.v. shows, and folded them into an original story. Emmerich will again direct, with Dean Devlin, who he co-wrote the original with, will produce.
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