
Movies Greatest Time Travellers

X-Men: Days of Future Past is currently doing massive business in the box office (read our review here ), and keeping the fun of time travel...

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X-Men: Days of Future Past is currently doing massive business in the box office (read our review here), and keeping the fun of time travel alive on the big screen. There have been some great time travelling movies throughout the years (relive some of the best with this handy infographic from Watchshop), and there is no better time to take a look at movies greatest time travellers.

Doc Brown and Marty McFly

With a 22.25% vote amongst 2,000 U.K. sci-fi fans, Back to the Future is considered the best time travel movie ever. It's no surprise why, considering the time travelling shenanigans Doctor Emmet Brown and Marty McFly get up to, from erasing families out of existence to creating dark futures due to bringing information back from the future......o.k, maybe it's not the best series to promote the joys of time travel.

Dr. Who

Though Doctor Who normally lives in the realm of t.v., BBC's time travelling creation made a splash on the big screen with 1965's Dr. Who and the Daleks. Played by Peter Cushing, there were huge difference from the t.v. series, mainly with the Doctor, whose name is unknown in the show, being specifically called Dr. Who. But everything else was still there, especially TARDIS (dropping the The from t.v. show), the time travel machine voted the favorite with a vote of 33.65%.

Harry Potter and Hermione Granger

Proving time travel isn't just the stuff of science, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban introduced the Time-Turner, a handy magical device mainly used by used to catch up on extra classes in Hogwarts. No doubt wanted by a legion of college students during exam week.

Ted "Theodore" Logan and Bill S. Preston Esq

Making up the band Wyld Stallyns, who rule apparently, Bill and Ted had an Excellent Adventure with a phone booth from the future (a nice little nod to Doctor Who). Travelling through time to make sure the utopian future society they help create comes to being, a great time is had by the slacker pair, roping in Billy the Kid, Socrates, Joan of Arc, and many more, along the way.

Donnie Darko 

You don't always need a machine to help you traverse the time stream, sometimes the power is in you. It was in Donnie Darko, leading to quite a strange experience for all, featuring wormholes, giant creepy bunnies, and Patrick Swayze.


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The Movie Bit Testing: Movies Greatest Time Travellers
Movies Greatest Time Travellers
The Movie Bit Testing
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