In probably the strangest moves ever from a production studio, Alcon Entertainment issued a press release concerning Blade Runner 2, whose s...
In probably the strangest moves ever from a production studio, Alcon Entertainment issued a press release concerning Blade Runner 2, whose sole purpose seemed to be to ask Harrison Ford nicely to reprise the role of Rick Deckard in the sequel. The statement, from Alcon's CEOs Andrew Kosove and Broderick Johnson reads as follows, "We believe that Hampton Fancher and Michael Green have crafted with Ridley Scott an extraordinary sequel to one of the greatest movies of all time. We would be honored, and we are hopeful, that Harrison will be part of our project".
In an industry that prides itself on keeping big casting on the down low, it's an odd one. There has been no word yet from Harrison Ford's camp. No timeline has been given for the production of the movie, but it all seems to hinge on getting Ford involved. Hopefully we'll hear more in the coming weeks, regardless of the actors answer.