This weeks podcast is here and it’s even more jammed than usual. It’s usually bursting at the seams, but it got so big this week that we had...
This weeks podcast is here and it’s even more jammed than usual. It’s usually bursting at the seams, but it got so big this week that we had to build on an extension. In amongst all the other bedlam, we talk about Tom’s upcoming wedding, and wait until you here his answer to the question “If you could pick one movie to describe how you’re feeling about the wedding”. It’s not only emotionally charged and touching, but brilliantly honest and this weeks podcast is worth a listen for that alone. Also
Question Time – A new feature where we take on some listeners questions
Tom’s Trivia Three – Awesome movie trivia. This week it includes James Woods, Bill Murray and Terminator 2
Reviews – Edge Of Tomorrow, X-Men Days Of Future Past and Blended get the review treatment and discussion
A critically acclaimed screen actor quotes lines from movies he hasn’t starred in – This week our acclaimed actor takes on Jerry Maguire
Ultimate Recast Reboot – This week we recast and reboot Falling Down starring Michael Douglas
News – This weeks big stories discussed including Edgar Wright’s department from Marvel and Gareth Edwards being let loose on a lightsaber or three.
And as per usual, we have plenty of ways of making you listen
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