Reports are doing the rounds that Jeremy Garelick is on board to do the screenwriting for the reboot which is dividing alot of opinion; ...
Reports are doing the rounds that Jeremy Garelick is on board to do the screenwriting for the reboot which is dividing alot of opinion; Police Academy. his duties will involve re writes on the majority of the scripts which have been recently drafted by David Diamond and David Weissman.
Scott Zabielskii will be directing in what will be his feature film debut.
The original franchise of the hit comedy starred Steve Guttenberg, G.W. Bailey, Bobcat Goldthwait, Bubba Smith, David Graf, Marion Ramsey, Michael Winslow. Along the way future stars such as Kim Cattrall and Sharon Stone featured as the love interests for Guttenberg. Don’t know about you guys but I’m not looking forward to the reboot, let us know what you think…..