Bit late on this one, and I won’t bother with excuses. Anyways….Another fantastic night at the Jameson Cult Film Club, which arrived in Cork...
Bit late on this one, and I won’t bother with excuses. Anyways….Another fantastic night at the Jameson Cult Film Club, which arrived in Cork for the first time on May 24th. This time round it was Guy Ritchie’s Snatch which was been screened. I hit Cork City Hall with a bunch of colleagues and friends (including Tom from this here website) quite early and already a large queue was forming. Bang on time the doors opened and the crowd marched into the main space in Cork City Hall, which is quite a large space at that. Caravans, Boxing Rings, washing lines (complete with clothes) and a host of actors lay in wait for the crowd who were also fed some absolutely amazing food. Not to mention plenty of Jameson. I’d actually forgotten who phenomenal a movie Snatch is and the movie was lifted even more by the actors acting out key scenes in perfect time with the movie, at key times.
Again, I can’t recommend the Jameson Cult Film Club enough. I’ve been to two of them now and they are a fantastic night out. a real 5 star experience. The next one is in August, in Dublin, but for the Corkonians who are craving some more JCFC, don’t worry. I’ll be whining down the phone and the email line to get them back to Cork. If I had to be uber critical of the night in Cork, they had no dags. Then again, you can’t have everything can ya!