After delivering Men In Black 3, a sequel that proved to be far better than most people thought it would be, director Barry Sonnenfeld has n...
After delivering Men In Black 3, a sequel that proved to be far better than most people thought it would be, director Barry Sonnenfeld has now been signed on by Warner Bros. to helm their newest DC Comics adaption The Metal Men. Debuting in the 1960's, the team is made up of a group of shape changing robots, named Tin, Mercury, Lead, Gold, and Platnium who were created by Doctor Will Magus, a genius in the field of Artificial Intelligence. What makes these robots unique is that their personalities, along with the names, are dictated by the metal they are made of, so Iron is loyal and strong, Tin is insecure and neurotic, Mercury is a hot head, and so on. The characters, and the overall tone of the numerous series they have appeared in, are well suited to Sonnenfeld, who has excelled with the more oddball and quirky concepts, such as Men In Black and The Addams Family.
One thing I find interesting about this announcement is the approach Warner Bros. are taking to constructing a DC Comics movie universe, similar to what Marvel Studios have made. It was obvious due to the success of The Avengers, and the movies leading up that super hero epic, that this would happen, especially since they resurrected plans for a Justice League movie. But while Marvel focused on the more well known characters, Warner Bros. are bringing lesser known characters, Batman and Superman excluded, to the big screen, with this, the previously announced Lobo, and rumours of a Suicide Squad (a government team made out of various DC Comics villains) movie all in the works. This points to something different from the studio, and maybe a movie featuring various characters from all over the DC Universe. Or I could just be talking out of my arse. Time will tell.
Source: Vulture