J.J Abrams’ Bad Robot production company has, gradually, become a big name in the movie industry over the last 5 or so years. After co-prod...
J.J Abrams’ Bad Robot production company has, gradually, become a big name in the movie industry over the last 5 or so years. After co-producing the last two additions to the Mission: Impossible franchise and the box office hits Cloverfield, Star Trek and Super 8, it was announced that the company has recently picked up two, new scripts which will have any Abrams fan excited.
First, there’s Wunderkind; a 1970s based spy thriller written by Patrick Aison, in which a CIA Nazi hunter and an older, more experienced Mossad agent cross paths and join forces when they realise they’re chasing the same person.
According to Empire, Aison’s script has sent finance and production companies nuts, trying to acquire was is, supposedly, the hot commodity floating around the development section of Hollywood’s radar. Paramount emerged as the successful bidder and have handed the project over to Abrams and his Bad Robot colleague Bryan Burk to produce.
The second project taken on by Abrams and co. is the high-concept Sci-Fi thriller God Particle, acquired from newcomer Oren Uziel, via Paramount, for Bad Robot to tackle as producers. The highfalutin plot plays off the mythical, public fears surrounding the ‘Higs bosun’ and the tests carried out on it at the large hadron collider in Switzerland. As a result of the experiment-gone wrong, the Earth disappears (!). Astronauts on an American space station are left, shall we say, puzzled, at the disappearance of their home planet. When a European spaceship appears on their radar, they question whether they can trust the occupants of the vessel.
Sounds… interesting.
According to sources the project won’t be backed by a Hollywood mega-budget, and will be treated on a smaller, more independent scale with producers looking to keep costs below $5 million. That could change however, as studios are susceptible to allocating more funds to a project if they feel they can reap the financial benefits, come the films release date. While ambitious, with the talented Abrams and co. involved, I won’t pass judgement just yet.
Source: Empire