Here’s the first look at Liam Neeson in Taken 2. The original was absolutely a rollercoaster of a flick and Neeson looks ten times more bad ...
Here’s the first look at Liam Neeson in Taken 2. The original was absolutely a rollercoaster of a flick and Neeson looks ten times more bad ass here. Luc Besson and Rober Mark Kamen return on writing duties. I’m not entirely sold on the story, as it doesn’t seem to be pushing Neeson as the main character, if its the daughter that is doing the rescuing! Anyway, the images, via EW are below.
Synopsis: In Taken 2 Neeson returns as Bryan Mills, the CIA agent with “a particular set of skills” for hunting down bad guys, but this time his daughter (Maggie Grace) has to help rescue him when associates of the villains he killed the first time around decide to get their revenge.
Released: Oct 5th