Going into The Avengers, Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige was pretty clear that a solo Hulk movie was a no-go . Understandable really since ...
Going into The Avengers, Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige was pretty clear that a solo Hulk movie was a no-go. Understandable really since the first two movie didn't exactly set the box office alight. They weren't terrible, but Bruce Banner and his quick to anger alter ego are such hard characters to pull off, and a Hulk movie lives and ides by how they are handled.
Now, thanks to the Avengers, the Hulk's popularity has risen again, thanks to Mark Ruffalo's portrayal of Bruce Banner, as an unassuming man who you know at any minute could rip you in half, and the most destructive, fun and visually perfect Hulk ever! Pretty much the highlight of the movie, Marvel are beginning to take notice of the fans reaction to the giant rage monster and his puny human alter ego, and plan to make full use of his new found popularity. Speaking to Forbes, Marvels Paul Gritter said there are plans to go ahead with a solo Hulk movie to be released in 2015 if his popularity continues. Ruffalo is contracted to reprise the character, but that's it for the details. Judging by his work with the character on The Avengers, director Joss Whedon should be on the project in some capacity. Guess we'll hear more when we hear it.