Coming form King Fu Panda director Mark Osborne, 3D animation/stop motion mix The Little Prince offers a modern twist on the classic childre...
Coming form King Fu Panda director Mark Osborne, 3D animation/stop motion mix The Little Prince offers a modern twist on the classic children's book by Antoine Saint-Exupery, telling the tale of a pilot who crashes in the Sahara desert, and meets a young Prince who has travelled from his home on a distant asteroid on a journey to meet people from other planets and hear their stories.
Boasting an amazing voice cast, including Jeff Bridges, Mackenzie Foy, Ricky Gervais, Marion Cotillard, Paul Rudd, Benico del Toro, and James Franco, this looks absolutely beautiful, with the promise of an incredibly emotional story at its core. I will admit to feeling a bit teary eyed as the trailer reached its joyous crescendo. This will definitely be one to delight adults and kids alike.
There is no Irish or American release date as of yet, but it is expected to come our way after the movie debuts in France on July 29th.